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May 27, 2022 | 2 min read
How FabFitFun Saves $1 Million a Year on AWS Costs
Frederik Bussler

Frederik Bussler

Content Marketer

Frederik is a content marketing consultant with experience across startup, mid-market, and enterprise companies, helping them to develop and execute long-term content strategies.

Daniel Broukhim is a co-founder and co-CEO of FabFitFun, a Los Angeles-based media and lifestyle company. In this interview with Usage AI CEO Kaveh Khorram, Daniel discusses how Usage AI is projected to help FabFitFun save $1 million this year on their AWS cloud costs.

Get started in minutes

"It was extremely easy," Daniel says of the process to get started with Usage AI and begin realizing savings. "I talked to Kaveh and his team, who quickly walked me through how the savings would work. I put them in touch with my engineering team. In a matter of minutes, we knew how much we could save."

Following that quick walkthrough, FabFitFun was able to start realizing savings immediately. "A short time thereafter, we were able to save $1 million, projected over the course of a year."

Seamless integration

There was no impact to FabFitFun's infrastructure or developer workflows as a result of integrating Usage AI. "It was seamless," Daniel reports.

Usage.AI isn't the only cloud optimization solution on the market, but it was the obvious provider for FabFitFun. "We looked at a few others," Daniel recalls, "and we felt that the level of service and the ease-of-use was the best with Usage."

Only pay when you save

Daniel is receptive to Usage AI's pricing model, in which clients pay a percentage of their overall savings. "It's a fair and reasonable model," he says. "It's a win-win, as we save money, they make money, so it's something we're totally comfortable with."

Why did FabFitFun choose Usage.AI?

It's no surprise that Daniel recommends other companies take advantage of Usage AI's services. "Get started today," he urges. "If you can save money today, why not?"

Daniel adds: "I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want to use Usage and save that money to put it to better use, like giving it to their customers or to their employees."

Finally, Daniel is optimistic about the potential for Usage AI to help FabFitFun continue beating their cost-savings forecasts in the future. "It's helping us beat those forecasts," he says, "so that's something we're really excited about."

Any company using AWS would be wise to consider integrating Usage AI and taking advantage of the potential for considerable cost savings.

Frederik Bussler

Frederik Bussler

Content Marketer

Frederik is a content marketing consultant with experience across startup, mid-market, and enterprise companies, helping them to develop and execute long-term content strategies.
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