Integrate Usage AI into your AWS bill via

AWS Marketplace
May 12, 2024 | 5 min read
INDUSTRY FIRST: Usage AI Becomes First Provider to offer Azure Savings of 50%+ with Guaranteed Buyback
Kaveh Khorram

Kaveh Khorram


Kaveh Khorram is the CEO of Usage AI
<p>INDUSTRY FIRST: Usage AI Becomes First Provider to offer Azure Savings of 50%+ with Guaranteed Buyback</p>

Usage.AI is excited to become the first cloud cost optimization platform to offer customers steep 50%+ savings on Azure. Unlike some other platforms, these savings can be achieved automatically in minutes with no downtime, no account change, no trade-off, no engineering work and zero commitment risk.

Usage has partnered with Azure to provide the savings of a 3-year Savings Plan with the flexibility to scale your workloads up and down, with significantly reduced risk of missed savings or overspend via overcommitment. Usage AI’s philosophy is that you should focus on managing your cloud environment how you see fit, and that you shouldn’t be worried about matching your cloud usage to your long-term commitment. 

How does it work? Usage connects its 10,000+ cloud accounts together with AI and other statistical risk models to determine an optimal commitment strategy for your account. Usage AI’s goal is to both maximize your coverage (goal of 90%+ coverage) and maximize your utilization (goal of 95%+ utilization at all times). If we miss the mark and you start losing money on the commitments Usage AI purchases you, Usage AI will automatically buy back the excess commitments until utilization recovers. 

Azure is currently GA in early-release, you can get started by visiting and running a free Azure savings test. You may also book an available time on our website to speak with an account manager. 

You can run your free Azure savings test by creating an account on and by heading over to Integrations > Azure and following the steps:

If you are only interested in seeing your savings, only keep “CoPilot” checked. ClearCost is our cost-visibility offering that we bundle with the savings, and that does not need to be checked to evaluate only the savings. If you are interested in Azure cost visibility, you can return to this stage later with your Account Manager.

Once you have connected your Azure account, the savings should begin loading in. You should see a screen like this:

In this account, all recommendations are already approved so there is nothing left to approve. When you see this screen, everything will initially be unapproved. You can simply click the savings and click “Approve”, and Usage AI will go ahead and apply the savings you see on the screen immediately to your account. The savings will begin to be reflected on your next Azure bill.

If you have any questions, you can contact us directly by scheduling an appointment on our website, or you can also reach me directly at [email protected]

Kaveh Khorram

Kaveh Khorram


Kaveh Khorram is the CEO of Usage AI
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