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November 28, 2023 | 3 min read
Usage AI Revamps RDS, OpenSearch, ElastiCache, and Redshift Cost Optimization
Paul Russo

Paul Russo

AWS FinOps Partner

Paul is an AWS FinOps Partner at Usage AI
Usage AI revamps RDS, OpenSearch, ElastiCache, and Redshift products

We’re continuously working closely with AWS to improve our RDS, OpenSearch, ElastiCache, and Redshift cost optimization products, and maximize our users’ savings.

Given the plethora of positive user feedback we have received on our revamped EC2 cost optimization product, we have decided to also revamp our RDS, OpenSearch, ElastiCache, and Redshift cost optimization products in compliance with AWS. These updates will build on the success of our recent EC2 iteration by applying improved artificial intelligence and better automation to database cost optimization, saving our customers more money and time on AWS.

Usage AI’s updated dashboard for RDS, OpenSearch, ElastiCache, and Redshift

Our revamped RDS, OpenSearch, ElastiCache, and Redshift cost optimization products:

1) Maximizes our users’ cost savings while minimizing their risk of overcommitment

Our algorithms deftly distribute commitments over time to flexibly respond to fluctuations in usage. If there's a dip in usage, we automatically halt the acquisition of new RIs, enabling existing RIs to gradually phase out until they align with the user’s actual consumption. This meticulous optimization ensures that coverage is precisely calibrated and adjusts dynamically to maximize users’ cost savings and minimize their risk of overcommitment as their AWS environments evolve.

2) Saves our users the time and effort typically associated with cost optimization

Overseeing FinOps for AWS database services poses formidable challenges and substantial workloads for DevOps leaders. In addition, cost optimization tends to fall outside of their job descriptions and distract them from their priorities. To utilize Usage’s database products, you will only need to configure a few initial settings, following which our platform assumes control. You will benefit from the efficiency of FinOps automation to operate more intelligently and realize enhanced savings. Our software operates in the background, seamlessly and around the clock, consistently fine-tuning savings without requiring your constant attention.

3) Gives our customers control over FinOps for their AWS database services

Usage’s algorithms and automation feature functions within the confines you have set. You have the flexibility to selectively deactivate specific instance types and set vacate dates for instances you plan to exit entirely, in addition to many other functionalities. Our algorithms will dynamically adapt to respect and implement your configured preferences.

It is important to note that Usage consistently automates savings while strictly adhering to the Terms of Service set by AWS. We prioritize the elimination of inefficiencies and are committed to ensuring that our customers save effectively. With that said, our commitment to FinOps is never compromised by resorting to unauthorized methods like transferring commitments between unrelated customers through account transfers, a practice which we’ve regrettably observed other AWS cost optimization providers do.

Sign up for Usage AI’s revamped RDS, OpenSearch, ElastiCache, and Redshift cost optimization products

Fill out this form or reach out to your point of contact at Usage to express interest!

Paul Russo

Paul Russo

AWS FinOps Partner

Paul is an AWS FinOps Partner at Usage AI
725 5th Ave, New York, NY, 10022
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