Bardia Rezaei
Chief of Staff
New York, New York, May 2023 - Usage AI, a leading provider of cost-saving solutions for enterprise businesses using Amazon Web Services (AWS), is proud to announce the launch of a new feature, the RI ledger. The RI Ledger will be a consolidated view of all actively listed Reserved Instances and provide clarity on what has been purchased and sold.
AWS doesn’t provide an effective way to track your commitments after they’ve been listed on the Reserved Instance marketplace. The process for checking what Reserved Instances have sold is a tedious process and includes lots of manual work.
Enter our new feature - The RI Ledger. With this feature, there will be no more spreadsheets needed to track what commitments you’ve listed. On the Usage dashboard, all Reserved Instances that have been purchased and sold will be automatically tracked.
In anticipation of customer inquiries, Usage AI has provided answers to several potential questions:
A: This release has no effect on how Usage operates, it’s simply for increased visibility into our activity in the background. When we buy and sell your underutilized Reserved Instances, you’ll be able to view it right on your Usage dashboard as opposed to digging into the AWS console
A: No, the RI ledger will detect and display any Reserved Instances that are listed for sale in the integrated accounts. This tool is for customers to track how Usage is saving them money, as well as any business who wants to track the status of their own listed Reserved Instances.
A: This tool is completely free for everyone!
Bardia Rezaei
Chief of Staff