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November 23, 2023 | 5 min read
Usage launches ClearCost Cost Visibility
Kaveh Khorram

Kaveh Khorram

Founder and CEO

Kaveh Khorram is the Founder and CEO of Usage AI
<p>Usage launches ClearCost Cost Visibility</p>
Release Details

Dear Friends of Usage, Customers, Partners, and more,

This has been under wraps for quite some now. We're thrilled to go live with ClearCost -- our take on Cloud Cost Visibility. Right now, we support AWS, with GCP and Azure slated for launch in December '23.

ClearCost empowers IT, finance, and DevOps teams to optimize cloud resources for cost efficiency. FinOps is about getting engineering, finance, and leadership aligned on costs. And having a clear grasp on your costs leads to even greater savings. This tool is an extension of our flagship savings product, the Usage Commitment Manager with Guaranteed Buyback.

Cost Reporting  


Gain insights into organization costs across cloud providers and enable IT, finance, and DevOps teams to work together to optimize cloud resources for cost-efficiency  

Create tailored reports using diverse filters—region, account, service, and more—to delve into individual teams, projects, or lines of business. Share, export, and incorporate reports into custom dashboards effortlessly.

Advanced Filtering for Precision

Filter cost using OR Filter

Filter cost using AND Filter

Craft different cost filters using a variety of parameters like region (e.g us-east-1), account (dev, prod, etc), service (EC2, RDS), Category (Compute, Network, Storage etc), Sub Category and Individual Resources 

Create multiple filters and chain them together to create a more complex filter for precise reporting. Filter based on a specific value for the above list of filters or fuzzy match-like contains.

Robust Grouping and Tagging:

Aggregate costs based on multiple criteria—region, account, service categories, subcategories, and resources

Utilize tagging to visualize usage across different segments like projects, teams, or lines of business

Resource-Centric Cost Management:

Dive deep into individual or sets of resources under each service. Create comprehensive resource reports to track costs for specific or ongoing projects efficiently.

Dashboards and Report Management

Organize reports effortlessly using folders, share direct links with stakeholders, download for offline analysis, and mark favorites for easy access.

Create customized dashboards featuring reports from multiple services and teams. Get a consolidated view of accrued costs across cloud providers, services, and regions

Intelligent Forecasting and Budgeting: 

Using ML-powered forecasting ClearCost can forecast cost for every cost report till the end of the month. Forecasting is updated daily to reflect changes in cloud services.


IT Finance can set up monthly, quarterly, and annual budgets for each report to monitor the performance of the budgets

Budget Management

Setup monthly, quarterly, and annual budgets for each report to monitor the performance of the budgets

Budget Alerts

Set up budget alerts to receive notifications when the budget exceeds the threshold set on the alert condition.

Advanced Anomaly Detection

By using advanced technology that includes machine learning models trained specifically on cloud costs, our system can effectively spot unusual expenses across different categories and regions. It notifies you promptly, helping prevent unexpected costs.

Interested in giving ClearCost a try? You can schedule a time on our website at - or reach out to me [email protected] and I can route you to the right person.

Kaveh Khorram

Kaveh Khorram

Founder and CEO

Kaveh Khorram is the Founder and CEO of Usage AI
725 5th Ave, New York, NY, 10022
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