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January 20, 2024 | 4 min read
VMWare/Broadcom's Unfair Treatment of Partners
Kaveh Khorram

Kaveh Khorram


CEO of Usage AI

Since Broadcom closed its $61B deal for VMWare, they have been treating VMWare’s 50,000 channel partners very badly. Partners are being unexpectedly terminated from the program and no one knows who will be able to remain in the program. Here is what one VMWare partner said about the situation: “How do partners know they are invited into Broadcom’s partner program? How does Broadcom decide? What changes can partners expect to compensation and benefits? What is the partner strategy?” asked one large partner who resold millions of dollars' worth of VMware products last year and now can’t get answers to those questions.

Worst yet, Broadcom is basically telling partners “we will decide who is allowed to continue reselling VMWare.” They are trying to play god and choose which partners will survive and which will not. That is very unfair to their very loyal - and very smart - partner base. And I will not stand for such treatment. 

We have already begun onboarding those partners onto Usage AI, which offers more favorable revenue share terms, strong renewal incentives, deal lock, free training, a strong upsell roadmap, and so much more. 

To all current VMWare partners, we can cut your clients AWS/GCP/Azure/Datadog/Snowflake/Kubernetes spend down by 50%+ with our automated AI-driven platform in 5 minutes, giving your clients the highest possible savings on the cloud without sacrificing flexibility.

You can reach out to me directly, [email protected], if you would like to learn more about our partner program. I promise you, unlike VMWare/Broadcom, that we will never leave you in the dark in terms of your partnership status, and we will go above and beyond to support you and your organization’s revenue goals.

I'd like to express my gratitude to all our partners at Usage AI. A special acknowledgment goes to Warburg Pincus for attaining Diamond Partner Status and to Qovery, who recently achieved Silver Partner Status with us. Thank you.

Kaveh Khorram

Kaveh Khorram


CEO of Usage AI
725 5th Ave, New York, NY, 10022
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