Integrate Usage AI into your AWS bill via

AWS Marketplace
December 21, 2023 | 2 min read
Usage AI Announces MultiCloud support with AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure
Bardia Rezaei

Bardia Rezaei

Chief of Staff

Bardia is the Chief of Staff at Usage AI
Release Details

Dear Friends of Usage, Customers, Partners, and more,

We're excited to share an important update with you. ClearCost, your trusted partner for AWS cost management, has now expanded to include integrations with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure.

This expansion means that ClearCost is now equipped to provide comprehensive cost management solutions across the three major cloud providers. Whether you're using AWS, GCP, Azure, or a combination, ClearCost is here to bring all your cloud cost data into a single, unified view.

With the addition of GCP and Azure, we’re making it easier for IT, finance, and DevOps teams to get a complete picture of their cloud spending. These integrations follow our initial ClearCost release. You can read more about that here. Stay tuned for new integrations regularly: Datadog, Snowflake, and Kubernetes compatibility is next!

Advanced Reporting

Our Reporting functionality gives you access to: 

Diverse Parameters for Customized Filtering: ClearCost allows users to craft intricate cost filters using a range of parameters. These include:

  • Geographical Regions: Specify cloud resources in regions like 'us-east-1'.
  • Account Types: Differentiate costs between various accounts, such as 'dev', 'prod', etc.
  • Services: Filter by specific cloud services like EC2, RDS, etc.
  • Categories and Subcategories: Break down costs into categories such as Compute, Network, Storage, etc., and further into subcategories.
  • Individual Resources: Focus on specific resources within services for detailed analysis.

Complex Filter Chains for Precision: Users can create multiple filters and chain them to create more complex and precise reporting structures. This can include specific value-based filtering or fuzzy matching for broader insights.

Tailored Reporting for In-Depth Analysis

Customizable Reports: Create detailed reports with diverse filters like region, account type, and service. This feature allows users to delve deep into the expenditures of individual teams, projects, or lines of business.

Aggregated Cost Visualization

  • Multi-Criteria Aggregation: ClearCost enables cost aggregation based on multiple criteria, including region, account, service categories, subcategories, and individual resources, offering a holistic view of cloud spending.

Enhanced Usage Visualization through Tagging

  • Tag-Based Segmentation: Utilize tagging to visualize and track usage across different segments like projects, teams, or business lines. 

Resource-Centric Cost Management

  • In-Depth Resource Analysis: The tool allows for a deep dive into individual or sets of resources under each service category. Users can create comprehensive resource reports, enabling efficient tracking of costs for specific or ongoing projects.

Enhanced Forecasting

We are excited to unveil the latest feature in ClearCost: Enhanced Forecasting, powered by cutting-edge AI and machine learning technology. This innovative addition transforms how organizations anticipate and plan for future cloud spending.

AI/ML-Driven Insights for Accurate Predictions

Data-Driven Forecasts: Our AI algorithms analyze historical cloud spending data to project future costs with remarkable accuracy. By understanding patterns and trends, ClearCost provides a forward-looking view that helps in strategic planning and budgeting.

Adaptive Learning for Continuous Improvement: The machine learning aspect of our forecasting continually improves predictions over time, adapting to your organization's evolving cloud usage patterns. This means forecasts become more precise, aiding in long-term financial planning.

Benefits of Enhanced Forecasting in Cloud Cost Management

  • Proactive Budget Planning: With accurate forecasts, IT finance teams can proactively plan budgets, ensuring resources are allocated efficiently.
  • Cost Avoidance Strategies: Enhanced forecasting allows organizations to identify potential cost spikes before they occur, enabling timely intervention with cost-saving measures.
  • Strategic Decision Making: Armed with predictive insights, leadership can make informed decisions about cloud investments and usage optimization.

This AI/ML-powered forecasting capability is more than just a feature – it's a strategic tool that empowers businesses to stay ahead in their cloud financial management. Get ready to experience a new level of precision and control in your cloud cost forecasting with ClearCost.


We’ve made it seamless to loop your team in and keep everyone informed on costs. These reports can be easily shared, exported, and integrated into custom dashboards, facilitating smooth communication and decision-making processes. 

Organize your reports in folders for easy management.

Share with Ease: Provide stakeholders with direct links for immediate access to reports.

Favorites for Quick Reference: Mark essential reports as favorites for quick access.

Customized Dashboards for a Comprehensive View

  • Tailor-Made Dashboards: Create dashboards featuring reports from multiple services and teams, tailored to your needs.
  • Consolidated Cost Overview: Gain a comprehensive view of costs across cloud providers, services, and regions.

Adaptable for Any Requirement: Whether you need a simple summary or an in-depth analysis, ClearCost’s dashboards and report management adapt to your requirements.

Customer Success Team Support: As you onboard with ClearCost, our dedicated customer success team is available to assist you in customizing your dashboard. They will work with you to ensure that the dashboard meets your specific needs and helps you achieve optimal cloud cost management.

Advanced Budgeting

We want to ensure that your whole team is informed and that nobody is caught off-guard by their AWS bill. Our budgeting features will help you do just that across all of your cloud providers. ClearCost's Dynamic Budgeting Tools provide an essential feature for IT Finance teams, offering advanced capabilities to set up and monitor budgets effectively.

Comprehensive Budget Setup

Flexible Budgeting Periods: IT Finance teams have the flexibility to set up budgets on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis for each report. This feature allows for a tailored approach to budgeting, matching the unique temporal needs of different projects or departments.

Detailed Performance Monitoring: Once budgets are established, ClearCost enables continuous monitoring of their performance. This ongoing analysis ensures that teams can track spending against the set budgets, allowing for timely adjustments and informed financial decision-making.

Proactive Budget Alerts

Alerts for Budget Overruns: ClearCost’s Dynamic Budgeting Tools include a proactive alert system. Teams can set up budget alerts that trigger notifications when spending exceeds predefined thresholds. This feature is crucial in maintaining financial discipline and preventing budget overruns.

Customizable Alert Conditions: The alert conditions can be customized according to specific budgetary requirements. Whether it's a slight overspend or a significant deviation, the alert system can be tailored to notify the relevant personnel based on the set conditions.

Anomaly Detection

Our platform will go above and beyond to make sure you’re aware of any surprises. As well as budget alerts, Our AI-driven Anomaly Detection will let you know of any irregular spikes or dips in usage and spending. 

Machine Learning at the Core: At the heart of this feature is an array of advanced machine learning models, specifically trained to understand and analyze cloud costs. This technology equips ClearCost with the ability to intelligently identify patterns and anomalies in your cloud spending.

Detecting Unusual Expenses: The system is finely tuned to detect unusual expenses across various categories and regions. Whether it's an unexpected surge in costs in a particular service or an unusual expense in an ordinarily stable category, ClearCost's anomaly detection is designed to catch it.

Proactive Notifications

  • Timely Alerts: One of the critical benefits of this feature is its ability to notify users promptly when it detects an anomaly. This timely alerting mechanism ensures that any unusual expenses are brought to your attention as soon as possible.

Get Started

For current UsageAI customers, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for a trial. 

New customers may schedule a demo by clicking on the link below. 


Bardia Rezaei

Bardia Rezaei

Chief of Staff

Bardia is the Chief of Staff at Usage AI
725 5th Ave, New York, NY, 10022
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